May 5, 2012

The Incredible Banker by Ravi Subramanian

This is the third book written by Mr. Ravi and it definitely shows that it is not his first book. This book is more focussed and more direct in its objectives than his debut novel. I personally liked how he introduced many characters in the first half of the book and kept the reader engrossed and trying to guess what plot is he going to unfold  as they keep on reading. Also, the reduction of adulteration in the corporate world also was a relief.

Towards the end of the book, all the loose ends are tied perfectly and it truely follows the lines of thriller mystery genre. What is thrilling about this book is that, the mystery part of this is not murder or robbery as it is commonly known to us through the books and films; but the mystery part of it is in the financial books and accounting. How money can be laundered through the financial system is slowly revealed depicting the vulnerability of the financial system we are building upon.

It is a bollywood flick in writing and it sure does not disappoint its readers. This book is a good read for the first time and it also educates the reader the risks of the financial system. Read it if you are interested in the financial system.

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