May 5, 2012

Attitude...What is it?

People say that attitude is a small thing which makes a big difference. It is also said that our attitude defines us. Attitude...Attitude...Attitude...

We come across this term often than we think about it. Everybody out there is preaching what it takes to be a winner and the first thing to possess in a winner's character is a winning attitude. A confident person takes on things without hesitation. Has a positive outlook even in failure.

The winning person treats both success and failure the same. That is his attitude.

All these sounds very nice to hear and when we hear all these, we are really inspired to think that way and we are also convinced that we have the best attitude that is out there. But, how truly awesome is our attitude?

Are we courageous enough to face who we are?

Can we take a look in the mirror and see ourselves as who we are, rather than who we think ourselves to be? That is really difficult to do and it takes a lot of courage to do that.

Well, I might sound very philosophical to you. However, I just feel like writing on. Of late, I have realized that I had completely different notions of who I was. When in reality, I was a completely different person. Even to accept what kind of a person I was, it took a great deal of struggle. Its not necessarily wrong that you are a different person. We might think of ourselves as a completely utterless and useless person, and in reality we might be the most useful person on the job. We might think of ourselves as a coward, but we might be a very brave person. And it can be the other way round as well. Whatever it is, the first step to progess is to realize who we are!

Getting to know oneself is the best journey one can get onto. The more we discover ourselves, the more we fall in love with ourselves. I found the courage to face myself and I am continously working on improving myself. It is true that people want to give advice to us. There are loads of people out there who want to point out our mistakes and make jibes at us. But, true friends are those who insist on correcting us everytime they think we are doing something wrong. They are the people who love us who help us during the lowest of times and share our joy in all times.

Treat success and failure alike, then you are truly successful. This is a great saying, and to be frank I was never able to treat success and failure alike. When I failed, I was sullen. When I was successful, I was on top of the world. To develop this kind of attitude, I figured out that I would never be able to treat success and failure the same if I succeeded. However, due to continous failure, it was hard to stay dull for a long time. And I finally started seeing what attitude those people who quoted those great sayings talked about. Once, I was able to look past things as accomplishments/ trophies, I was able to understand the objective of each mission. Taking the outcome into consideration will never help me be a perfectionist and possess a right attitude. Hardwork never goes in vain. Every failure is taking me one step closer to success. Every failure is making me a stronger person. Every step I take will be with more objectivity and passion. Thus, every moment in our life is a teaching moment if we are willing to learn.
Learn everyday. Learn everywhere. Learn everytime.

What is attitude?
It is your outlook to life.

What is attitude?
It is your will to succeed.

What is attitude?
It is how you take your failure to be your stepping stone to success.

What is attitude?
It is how you define your next move based on your current success.

What is attitude?
It is the path to self-discovery.

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