Apr 21, 2012

Vicky Donor

This movie is funny and wierd right from its name. As soon as the titles credits roll in, the movie starts off with Annu Kapoor portraying as the fertility doctor and gives us a glimpse of the sperm industry and what a huge industry it is. The underlying message of "STRASS" and effecting the family life is very subtly showcased in the movie along with humour and great performances by the actors. 

The dialogues, most of them are in Punjabi. The script is well written and I could not stop laughing at the reactions given by actors and their dialogues. Dr. Chaddha's (Annu Kapoor) talking in sperm language - "Confused sperm, greedy sperm, etc." was unexpected and very hilarious. Ayushmaan Khurana as Vicky donor performed well and chose a very good script for his debut as a hero. 

The lead actress, Yami Gautam was refreshingly beautiful and talented. All the actors looked very natural and the chemistry between the lead actors was good to watch. The music also blended in with the theme of the movie and looked as the puzzles which fit in together. Some small things of the movie which was very good to watch and made the audience feel good are: 1) the widowed mother of Vicky and his grandmom drinking together 2) Vicky giving pedicure to ladies in his mom's parlour 3) The way Dr. Chaddha says "sperm" with his fingers 4) The "Aryaputhra" and the history of macedonians as explained by Dr. Chaddha 5) The marriage and the bonding scene of the "Punjabis" and the "Bongs". There are many other scenes which flow in with the script of the movie and are good to watch.

Towards the second half, the emotional content becomes too high and it looks to the audience as if this part is a little boring. However, The script, the actors, the music, the director everybody fit right in as the pieces of a puzzle and everything clicked. This is a fun movie to watch which is very entertaining and also has a hidden message in it (:wink). Do go watch it for a 2 and half hour break from  your hectic lives. 

Apr 19, 2012

The MOSES Legacy by Adam Palmer

I took up this book with great enthusiasm and I expected it to be on the lines of DaVinci code revealing some conspiracy about Moses legacy. The book started off on a very interesting note and keeps the reader engrossed. But towards the later half when the plot is supposed to thicken, the audience is left wondering with questions like "Where actually is the book headed to? What conspiracy is the book going to unfold?".

This book might be really interesting and intriguing for people who know a great deal of the moses mythology and the history before Christ's time. But, for a normal person who wants to immerse oneself in interesting controversial read, this book might be an overhead transmission in some pages. Overall, it is a good read and I got to learn a lot about the Moses legacy, Joseph or Yehovah as the book calls it.

One thing which still troubles me is, if Dr.Cusack made that stuff up or she was disgusted by the controversies which arose and she turned against the evil. This question was not left out intentionally, but the writing was obscure at times. However, this is my personal opinion. It really might be that way or I might have to improve my reading skills. Please do let me know what you think of this book.

An Amateur at Work

Apr 6, 2012

Life of Pi by Yann Martel

This book starts of on a very interesting note. Reading the title "Life of Pi", I thought the book would be about the irrational number -Pi. But, it turned out to be about the life of a boy named "Piscine Molitor Patel' who preferred being called "Pi Patel" as opposed to "Pissing Patel". This book was a wonderful read from the very beginning. It talks about the life of a zookeeper and his family. It starts off about how zookeeping is not very different from the grooming of a human. 

The book also deals heavily with religion. The young boy falls deeply in love with all three religions and follows the practices of the the three religions- Hinduism, Islamism and Christianity with the greatest devotion and passion. The description of the religions makes one want to believe in one religion which does not talk about any prohibitions but just about the love towards god when the boy was asked to follow just one religion. The description of religions would make one wonder about the current system in place.

The Life of Pi mainly deals with the life of the cast-away boy and how he learns to survive despite facing the toughest of situations that life has thrown at him. "Life teaches us everything" is depicted through the episodes of survival of Pi Patel. In spite of left on a boat with a tiger, the boy learns to use his dad's teachings of zookeeping and adapt himself to the situation in order to survive. The book takes us through a fascinating journey of Pi Patel. 

And when you think everything is over, the author presents us with a choice of two stories- one that dominates most of the book and the other presented right at the ending to believe in. The first story which is the main content of the book depicts humanity in the wild beast and when the inspectors ask Pi, he comes up with a different version in which even humans turn into wild animals when faced with dire situations. The author leaves the story in an open end and asks the reader to choose which story would they rather believe in. The story is left to our imagination whether to believe in the worst situations humanity exists in animals or wildness exists in humans. 

Overall, I recommend this book for anyone who wishes to let their imaginations run wild. 

The Immortals of Meluha by Amish

This is my first attempt at book review. I have always wanted to give book reviews and finally i am breaking my shackles and proceeding towards what I have wanted to do. Here goes the review about "Immortals of Meluha".

The Immortals of Meluha is a perfect blend of mythological facts with fiction which makes it a very interesting read. Though it is set in the backdrop of 1000 years ago, the way it is spread out is very much of a contemporary style. The portrayal of a tribal man turning into a God, a Legend due to the expectations of grief-stricken Meluhans and in the journey establishing himself as a person of character is very appealing and raises hopes even for a reader of a saviour on his way.

The story sets off on an adventure right from the beginnining which intrigues the audience and makes them to ruffle through the pages with intent curiosity. The take of Ancient India from the perspective of Lord Shiva makes it very real. The perfect law-abiding Meluhans continue to amaze Shiva. Their methodical system to each and every way of life set down by Lord Shri Ram makes us admire the administrative system of Lord Ram and understand the roots of our present government system.

The later course of the book leading Shiva on a path to victory, the speech given by Shiva calling everyone Mahadev- "Har Har Mahadev" inspires the reader to believe in themselves. Amish has a way of weaving the mythology with fiction and also inspiring the reader to believe in their Indian cultural system. But, the treat to the reader comes through the later half of the book when the Chandravanshis are introduced and their way of life- "not set by rules but by their own wishes" is explained, the content which the author wishes to express comes into light.

The intention of the author that what is right to one may not be right to the other person i.e. perspectives matter a lot was well portrayed. The Meluhans considered Chandravanshis evil and the Chandravanshis considered the Meluhans evil. The mention of a Neelkanth as a myth who would come and help out the clans portrays that a neutral party would be able to see both perspectives and bring peace to both the clans. The whole story conspired in a way to get this theme out was brilliantly constructed. I might have given away the ending, but I recommend this book to know more about Indian culture, fall in love with SHIVA and to be passionate about what you believe in.