Feb 14, 2011

OUR Journey

It was not fate, but destiny.
It was not chance, but it was serendipity.
That I had met you.
In so many ways, it still doesnt seem true.

What we have, is beyond explanation.
What we have passed through is celebration.
What we have in store is exploration,
And what we make of it is Our Life.

Lovely moments to cherish,
Silly quarrels for relationship to nourish,
Great empathy to flourish,
Are our journey's golden ingredients.

Happy times, sad times,
Loving times, anger times,
We have been through complications
Experienced are we in all emotions.

Proud I am to say,
Here we are today.
With immense sense of belongingness.
And loving togetherness.

This journey we have embarked upon,
remains most cherished within my soul.
How much I love you...
You'll never really know.