Apr 4, 2008


Hello people!! I am in a mood to write and couldn’t think of any topic. So I came up with this topic which always puzzles me. Love ….the word itself sounds fascinating. What is so special about this four lettered word? Why does this word cause so many sensations in a person? Why is this the reason for many great things in the world? Why is this a reason for destruction? What is so great about the word love? Is it the word love that is special…or the feeling that is felt as one says “love”. As the word love is uttered, the first thing that comes to one mind is the feelings and emotions between a young girl and boy. Many people say that love is beautiful and it should be experienced during the young age. What do they mean? Love during young age? Doesn’t it sound awkward? Yes, it does.
Many students call Love as loss of valuable education. some say its waste of time. some call it the uncontrollable sensations that arise due to over secretion of hormones at that tender age. is that all true? different people have different opinions, right? so what is love all about?? love....let me just think...
it is the best feeling in the world. the feeling that you are loved by someone and there is someone there for you in this world always makes you feel secure in this everchanging world. And according to me, love has got nothing to do with age. love can blossom at any age. loving is caring. love is strongest friendship. if you care for a person with all your heart, then you surely love them. the feeling of love is awesome. i am glad i am loved by my family, friends. lets love to make our world a better place!!


The birthday I had this year was my first birthday away from home; away from my parents, sister, uncle, friends, and many more important people in my life. I wondered how my birthday would be like!!! Would it be boring as I spent my birthday in 12th (coz my exams were approaching and I didn’t celebrate it…) or would it be really superb??
Since the time I read Enid Blyton’s books, I always used to dream of staying in a hostel. That was way back in my life. And right now I am living that dream. Staying in a hostel is FUN!! , though it has its share of disadvantages too. The day before the D-day, I attended all my lectures and then came back to my room. I started doing programming as I didn’t make good marks in my previous test in programming. The Andhra regional association which calls itself Andhra samithi airs a telugu movie every semester for the Andhra people on campus. This time, the gults, as the telugu speaking people are called have a blast coming up from Andhra samithi. The “AS” people are screening three movies. That day there was this movie called “anasuya” being aired. I didn’t feel like going as I have already seen it twice. I was sitting in my room and felt what I would be doing if I had been at home.
I studied for sometime and then went to the market with my friend to get some stuff for myself for the birthday. I somehow didn’t like the idea of my birthday approaching the previous week, but I started feeling excited about my birthday. I felt like a kid, I was jumping all the time with joy. I went back to my room and switched on my computer. I chatted with few of my friends and then fell asleep wondering whether my friends would actually follow out their threats of me not worth giving a surprise. I knew that they were teasing me, but still wondered what would happen at 12 am, the start of my birthday.
At 11:45 pm, my friends from vizag called me up and from then on calls started pouring in. At around 12 o’clock, my friends who had me locked up in my room took me to the quadrangle in our building. There was awaiting a lovely cake for me. I cut the cake and then started the make up of my face, the exciting part for all the people who do it and the painful part for the birthday gal. (he he….it is painful later when we have to wash….or else even we find it nice…). After the painting of my face with cake, all my friends asked me to open a gift which looked very good from the outside. I opened it with lots of anticipation and it turned out to be a brick. All my friends were teasing me. I loved the trick they played on me. That’s what friends are for, right? They are the ones who tease you and make you feel loved. After this, I was given bumps. Ohhh!! They were painful. Later , I invited people to my treat and then retired to the bogs as I had to take a bath. By the time , I finished civilizing myself it was 2 o’clock in the morning. I came and crashed into my bed. I woke up at 9:30 in the morning, had a quick shower and went to the temple. The temple was so peaceful. The atmosphere was so nice and warming at the temple. I felt as if god was welcoming me to the temple and wishing me on my birthday. the feeling was awesome. After a quick chat with my friend (god….ob), I rushed to the class. The class was good. It was a class of programming. I started feeling really hungry in the class. With lots of expectations and hopes, I rushed to the mess after the class to find the slimy and stale food. This dampened my mood. On my special day, at home all my favorite food items were made and I missed it a lot…I wished I could have been at home. Finishing my lunch fast, I went to take a nap which was continuously disturbed by calls , but I didn’t feel as if they were disturbance. To be frank, I loved my phone ringing all the time that day.
In the evening, sindhu(a friend here) and me: we both gave a treat to all the gults and some of our friends. Sindhu had her bday one week back. The treat was awesome. The food was good. And the best part of parties are that we get gifts…..yipppieee!!!! I still feel like a kid, getting excited at the thought of gifts. After that, we all went to a movie which is again aired by Andhra samithi. The day was awesome. I had lots of fun. Ohhhh! Yeah…. I forgot to mention to you that my mother called my friends and asked them to decorate my room with balloons and buy me a birthday cake. This was her loving way of giving me surprise. I loved the cake part. I felt so happy after a lot of days…..so lovely.. I just wish I could spend my birthdays every day like this!!! But what to do, we have to get back to reality, which I don’t like at all. I just love to live in my dreams!!!