Mar 28, 2008

The Lost Hope!!!

Announced is the time for distribution,
Tense is the moment with frustration.

Taking my cycle, I went to the venue;
All the time praying that my marks wont be few.

On approaching the destination,
My heart raced with aggravation.

At last, my turn came;
And called out was my name.

Is it av minus?
Is it av plus?

Only thing in mind,
Thoughts fully bind.

Seeing the paper,
Made my feelings hamper.

This made me curse my fate,
Which made ill-luck my mate.

Lost was my hope,
Which is the soul of life!!!!!

Mar 1, 2008


When we reach a forked end,
Advices are lend.
Opportunities are weighed,
Negatives are laid.
Analysis is done,
Thoughts are ton.
Brain is racked,
Head is cracked.
Only one thing in mind,
What is right?
We tend to get confused,
and at the same time amused.
Atlast, taken is the decision!!
No regret over it, thats precision!!!!